Monitoring DMARC with Docker

Monitoring DMARC with Docker

... and a bit of ansible. If you are a regular reader of this blog, firstly thanks it means a lot and secondly, you'll know I've been doing a lot of stuff with Ansible automating docker image deployments. To add to this, I though I would look in to how to automate docker compose files, and get around to actually looking at my DMARC data.

To start off with, you are going to need a domain name and DMARC set up. If you have never set it up before, you could just set up a DMARC record with a policy of none, or you could follow this post I did some time ago and get everything fully working.

The other pre-requisite is the place to host the container.

Setting up docker compose in docker was quite straight forward. I would have liked to have been able to set the volume name dynamically, but that escaped me at the moment.

  - name: "DMARC Reporter"
    become: yes
    become_method: sudo

    - container: dmarc-report
    - dbcontainer: mariadb
    - dbusername: 'dmarc_report'
    - dbpassword: 'normalpass'
    - dbrootpass: 'dbrootpass'

    - name: Start dmarc-reporter project with inline definition
        project_name: dmarc-reporter
          version: '2'
              image: mariadb:10
              command: --skip-innodb-read-only-compressed
                - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{ dbrootpass }}"
                - "MYSQL_DATABASE=dmarc_report"
                - "MYSQL_USER={{ dbusername }}"
                - "MYSQL_PASSWORD={{ dbpassword }}"
                - "mariadb-database:/var/lib/mysql"
                test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-h", "localhost", "-uroot", "-p{{ dbrootpass }}"]
                interval: 10s
                timeout: 10s
                retries: 5
              image: "gutmensch/dmarc-report:latest"
              hostname: dmarc-report
              container_name: "{{ container }}"
                - "80:80"
                - "REPORT_DB_HOST=db"
                - "REPORT_DB_PORT=3306"
                - "REPORT_DB_NAME=dmarc_report"
                - "REPORT_DB_USER={{ dbusername }}"
                - "REPORT_DB_PASS={{ dbpassword }}"
                - ""
                - "PARSER_IMAP_PORT=143"
                - "[email protected]"
                - "PARSER_IMAP_PASS=emailpassword"
                - "PARSER_IMAP_MOVE_FOLDER=dmarc_processed"
                - "PARSER_IMAP_MOVE_FOLDER_ERR=dmarc_error"
                - db
      register: output

I deployed this container to my docker host, setting the environments up correctly to login in to my email and process the reports. Once completed, I pointed my web browser at my docker host, and was greated by the following:

Clicking on the line gave me some more detail

The report you can see is an actual spammer trying to pretend to be me. My domain isn't exactly massive or a big target, and yet I have spammers trying to use it. Image what people are trying to do with yours...

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